Omaggio Lele Luzzati

La Fleppa lavandara by Anonymous Bolognese (1741) directed by Boris Stetka and Gianfranco de Bosio

For oboe and percussions
Benevento, VIII Rassegna Città Spettacolo "Il Teatro delle Lingue sconfitte" - Teatro Massimo (12 and 13/9/1987)
Audio recorded on 27th of August 1987 at Condulmer Studio of Mogliano Veneto (TV)
Pierluigi Fabretti - oboe, Annunziata (Kiki) Dellisanti - percussions

Le baruffe chiozzotte by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Gianfranco de Bosio

For string quartet
Verona, Teatro Romano (21/7/1988), Italian and French tour
ORIONE PRIZE "Nuove proposte musicali" - Rai Radio3 1989
>>> 10 variazioni for string quartet - Agenda Edizioni, Monte San Pietro (BO) 2015
Audio recorded at Condulmer Studio in Mogliano Veneto (TV) in July 1988
Giuliano Fontanella - violin I, Martina Lazzarini - violin II, Giovanni Petrella - viola, Bruno Beraldo - cello

Echi di Babele by Ruzante and Samuel Beckett, directed by Boris Stetka

dramaturgy by Giovanni Boni and Boris Stetka (1989) for "Il Gruppo della Rocca"
For viola 
Bergamo, Teatro Sociale (2/9/1989) and Italian tour 
>>> see COMPOSITIONS: Frammentazioni for viola (1989)
Agenda Edizioni, Monte San Pietro (BO) 1991
New edition 2019, score with enclosed CD
Audio recorded at Condulmer Studio of Mogliano Veneto (TV) in July 1989.
Giovanni Petrella - viola

George Dandin o il marito confuso by Molière, directed by Carlo Cecchi

Italian translation by Cesare Garboli
For soprano, baritone, flute and string trio
Firenze, Teatro Niccolini (31/1/1989) and Italian tour
Audio recorded at Condulmer Studio of Mogliano Veneto (TV) in December 1988
Mercedes Cerrato - soprano, Julio Cesar Bertollo - baritone, Monica Finco - flute, Martina Lazzarini - violin, Giovanni Petrella - viola, Angelo Zanin - cello

Il cavaliere Giocondo by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Bepi Morassi

Songs for the actors performed live and synthesizer
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (20/1/1989) and international tour (Valletta, Brno, Prague, 
Budapest, Lisbon)

Las Spagnuolas by Andrea Calmo, directed by Lino Spadaro

Songs for the actors and percussions performed live 
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (7/2/1990)

The little Slave by Giovan Battista Andreini, directed by Bepi Morassi

Songs for the actors performed live
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (15/7/1990)

The fan by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Andrea Dosio

For guitar
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (27/2/1991) and international tour (Belgium, Germany)
>>> see Pdfs available in COMPOSITIONS: Il ventaglio cinese (1992) e Cinque studi per chitarra (1992-94)

The Venetian twins by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Gianfranco de Bosio

Commission: Teatro de Gli Incamminati 
Variations on Mozart's theme K188 for wind quartet (ocle, clarinet, hone and bassoon)
Treviso, Teatro Comunale (31/1/1991) and Italian tour
Audio recorded by Quartetto di Pordenone at Condulmer Studio of Mogliano Veneto (TV) in January 1991

Insuonio e incantaçion from Ruzante, dramaturgy and direction by Lino Spadaro

Flute and songs for the actors performed live 
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (20/6/1992)

The pretended sick by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Bepi Morassi

For violin and cello
Recorded at il Teatro a l'Avogaria of Venezia in January 1993
Martina Lazzarini - violin, Bruno Beraldo - cello
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (13/2/1993) and international tour (France, Spain, Mexico, Argentine, Costa Rica, Luxembourg)

La Betìa by Angelo Beolco called Ruzante, directed by Gianfranco de Bosio

Commission: Estate Teatrale Veronese
For two trumpets and trombone
Audio recorded at Sala A of La Fenice Opera House in June 1994
Gianfranco Busetto and Carlo Giliberti - trumpets, Sebastiano Nicolosi - trombone
(plus songs for the actors performed live)
Verona, Teatro Romano (6/7/1994) and Italian tour

Turandot by Carlo Gozzi, directed by Bepi Morassi

For percussions
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (10/5/1994)
Audio recorded in April 1994 at Teatro a l'Avogaria
Annunziata (Kiki) Dellisanti: glockenspiel, vibraphone, xilophone, marimba, suspended cymbal,  wind chimes, tam-tam

Phonés (Voices) on poems by Konstantinos Kavafis, dramaturgy and direction by Stefano Pagin

For soprano, guitar, string quartet, percussions and songs for the actors performed live
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (17/3/1995)
Guitar themes played by Dario Bisso (audio recorded on 3rd of March 1995 at Sale Apollinee of La Fenice Opera House)   
>>> see COMPOSITIONS: Omaggio a Kavafis varied theme for guitar (1995)

Le morbinose by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Bepi Morassi

For string quartet (performing live)
A new production of Teatro a l'Avogaria for "Teatro in Giardino"
Venezia, Garden of the Collegio Armeno, Palazzo Zenobio (9>14 luglio, 24>29 agosto 1996)

L'alfabeto dei villani dramaturgy by Giovanni Poli on play scripts of the art commedy, directed by Bepi Morassi

Commission: Festival d'Autunno 1997 del Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza
For wind quartet 
Vicenza, Teatro Olimpico (12/9/1997) and Italian tour

Il quartiere fortunato (comic interlude for music) by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Stefano Pagin

For voices and spinet (performed live)
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogarìa (12/5/2000)

A ballad of the salty sea by Hugo Pratt, directed by Damiano Michieletto

For guitar and ongs for the actors performed live
Mira (Ve) Estate della Riviera del Brenta, Barchessa Est di Villa Valmarana (27/7/2003)

Due Dialoghi: Parlamento e Bilora by Angelo Beolco called Ruzante, directed by Damiano Michieletto

For double bass
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (7/1/2003)
>>> see COMPOSITIONS: Teòdoton for double bass (2002)
Audio recorded at Condulmer Studio of Mogliano Veneto (TV) in December 2002
Stefano Sciascia - double bass

The Old Wife's Tale by George Peele, directed by Luca Ferraris

Songs for the actors and spinet (performed live)
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria, (12/4/2003)

Il Saltuzza by Andrea Calmo, directed by Riccardo Bellandi

For mezzosoprano, strings and percussions 
Recorded at Teatro a l'Avogaria in April 2004
Mezzosoprano- Michela Remor, violins - Gisella Curtolo and Martina Lazzarini, viola - Giovanni Petrella, cello - Bruno Beraldo, double bass - Stefano Sciascia, percussions - Kiki Dellisanti
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (28/4/2004)

I Pitocchi fortunati by Carlo Gozzi, directed by Roberto Milani

Songs for the actors performed live
Venezia, Teatro a l'Avogaria (25/5/2006)

Il Milione by Marco Polo: Full reading in 4 parts with the artistic direction by Gianfranco de Bosio

For flutes and percussions
Venezia, Teatro Fondamenta Nuove (13rd, 14th and 15th October 2006)
Organized under the "Alto Patrocinio del Presidente della Repubblica" with the economic support of  "Comitato Nazionale per le Celebrazioni del 750° anniversario della nascita di Marco Polo" 
Conception by Gianfranco de Bosio and Maria Gabriella Zen
Artistic direction by Gianfranco de Bosio
Reciting voices: Giuseppe Amato, Mario Bardella, Stefania Felicioli, Michela Martini, Enzo Turrin
Performers: Francesca Cescon (piccolo, flute, alto flute and bass flute), Emma Zen (piccolo, flute and ebony flute), Annunziata Kiki Dellisanti and Fabio Munerotto (percussions)
Some of the Incidental Music for Il Milione have been gathered in two Production Music CD's purchasable on line:
Medieval Travelers (Flippermusic Int. - DENEB Records DNB 764)
- Medieval Wedding (FlipperMusic Int. - Red Globe Records RGR 164)

La finta ammalata o sia lo speziale by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Bepi Morassi

For violin and cello
New edition for the 38th Festival Internazionale del Teatro della Biennale di Venezia of the performance by Teatro a l'Avogaria (1993)
Venezia, Garden of the Armenian College at Palazzo Zenobio - 24/25/26 July 2006

Bucolics by Virgilio in the new translation by Giorgio Bernardi Perini, direction by Gianfranco de Bosio

For voices, flutes and percussions
Actors of the Theatre School Piccolo Teatro di Milano and Musicians of the Conservatory of  Mantova
Mantova, 11° Festivaletteratura, Palazzo d'Arco, 5/8 settembre 2007
All 10 Videos in the Italian section MUSICHE DI SCENA 

Il Milione by Marco Polo in DVD - Full reading with the artistic direction by Gianfranco de Bosio

Didactic dvd Il Milione by Marco Polo  - Full reading  with travel maps and images taken from Le Livre des Merveilles (manuscript 2810 of the Bibliotéque Nationale de France) and from Il Milione by Emanuele Luzzati 
Production: Teatro Fondamenta Nuove di Venezia and Regione del Veneto (2008) 
Recorded by Andrea Valfrè at the Magister Recording Area of Preganziol (TV) in October 2008 
Artistic Direction by Gianfranco de Bosio
Reciting voices: Mario Bardella, Riccardo Bellandi, Daniela Foà, Sandra Mangini, Galliano Mariani  
Performers: Francesca Cescon (piccolo, flute, alto flute and bass flute), Emma Zen (piccolo, flute and ebony flute), Annunziata Kiki Dellisanti and Fabio Munerotto (percussions)
Some of the Incidental Music for Il Milione have been gathered in two Production Music CD's purchasable on line:
Medieval Travelers (Flippermusic Int. - DENEB Records DNB 764) 
- Medieval Wedding (FlipperMusic Int. - Red Globe Records RGR 164) 

1. Audio file chapters 1_9 (Prologo: Polos' first travel)

La base de tuto by Giacinto Gallina (in Venetian dialect), directed by Stefano Pagin

Commission: Teatro Stabile del Veneto
For flute, oud, percussions and string quartet
Recorded at Magister Recording Area,  Preganziol (TV) on the  13rd of December 2008
Emma Zen - flute, Jorgos Pilidis - oud, Kiki Dellisanti - percussions, Xhoan Shkreli and Diana Lupascu -  violins, Gabriele Gastaldello - viola, Tiziana Gasparoni - cello
For strings, flute and percussions
Venezia, Teatro Goldoni, 1st of April 2009

Orlando from Virginia Woolf's novel, theatrical adaptation and direction by Stefano Pagin

'Backwards into the past' Variations for string quartet, ebony flute, oud and percussions on the song Nowhere fast of "The Smiths", rehearsed and recorded during the Seminar Studio su Orlando in the context of  Laboratorio Internazionale del Teatro della Biennale  di Venezia, Isola di San Servolo, 27>31 October 2008
40. Festival Internazionale del Teatro della Biennale di Venezia
Xhoan Shkreli, Diana Lupascu - violins, Gabriele Gastaldello - viola, Tiziana Gasparoni - cello, Emma Zen - flauto d'ebano, Kiki Dellisanti - percussioni, Jorgos Pilidis - oud
First performance: Venezia, Teatro Fondamenta Nuove 22 e 23 febbraio 2009

The Overcoat by Nikolaj Vasil'evič Gogol', theatrical adaptation and direction by Stefano Pagin

For string quartet and percussions
Marghera (Ve), Teatro Aurora, 18/10/ 2009

Il Regno dei Fanes

text by Maria Gabriella Zen from Ladin legends  and letters from the war front (1915-1917) by Giuseppe and Eugenio Garrone 
video by Margot Galante Garrone from photos by Giuseppe, Eugenio Garrone and Luigi Galante 
for: narrator, soprano, flute/bass flute and two percussionists 
duration: 25'
dedication: a Rita e Renzo De Girolami e al loro maso ospitale  
first performance: Venezia, Sale Apollinee del Teatro La Fenice, 22/1/2010 
performers: Savino Liuzzi - narrator, Orsola Bollettini – soprano, Francesca Cescon – flute/bass flute, Kiki Dellisanti and Andrea Dal Bianco – percussions

Chronos parádoksos

Full reading of the libretto by Gianfranco De Bosio and Maria Gabriella Zen
Commission: Festival Musica e Poesia d'Europa, Verona
Verona, Sala Maffeiana del Teatro Filarmonico, 20 marzo 2011
Actors of Scuola del Piccolo Teatro di Milano directed by Gianfranco de Bosio: Lisa Capaccioli, Federica Rosellini, Walter Cerrotta, Matteo De Mojana
Pavana  for solo double bass performed by Stefano Sciascia

Orlando - Orlando from Virginia Woolf's novel, directed by Stefano Pagin

Theatrical adaptation for one actor by Stefano Pagin from Virginia Woolf's Orlando
Stefano Scandaletti protagonist
Music composed during the International Theatre Workshop of La Biennale di Venezia 2008: 'Backwards into the past' variations  for string quartet, ebony flute, oud and percussions on the theme of the song Nowhere fast  by "The Smiths", rehearsed and recorded during the Seminar Studio su Orlando in the context of Laboratorio Internazionale del Teatro della Biennale di Venezia, Isola di San Servolo, 27>31 October 2008
Xhoan Shkreli e Diana Lupascu - violins, Gabriele Gastaldello - viola, Tiziana Gasparoni - cello, Emma Zen - ebony flute, Kiki Dellisanti - percussions, Jorgos Pilidis - oud
First peformance: Padova, Teatro Verdi, 26/9/2011
OFF PRIZE 2011 Teatro stabile del Veneto Carlo Goldoni

Spiriti A video project by Bêka & Lemoine for Fondazione Prada

In reference to Fondazione Prada new Milan venue’s history—a former distillery dating back to the 1910’s— SPIRITI  is an art project by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine which distils the last month of completion of the compound into a collection of 15 video fragments.
From the chaos and dust of the construction process, these 15 scenes try to extract the “angels’ share” – those volatile substances which disappear during the ageing of a spirit in the barrel – in order to render the intangible sense of the spaces and preserve this transitory state of the site, which every day, through the progression of completion, evaporates.
You can share the 15 videos in the Projects > Archive of the website


A film by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine

Cinematography – Ila Bêka
Sound – Louise Lemoine
Film Editing – Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine
Assistant Editor – Tiros Niakaj
Colorist & Second Unit – Luca Immesi
Sound Mix – Walter Fuji – Lo Studio
Line Producer – Marco Mona
Production Assistant – Sara Gardella


Spiriti 01
White Shapes
Gabriella Zen
Flipper Srl, Musique et Music

Spiriti 02
Gabriella Zen
Flipper Srl, Musique et Music

Spiriti 03
String Quartet n.15 in A Minor, Op. 132
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Com Events

Spiriti 05
Gabriella Zen
Flipper Srl, Musique et Music

Spiriti 06
The Singing Cuckoo
Lehar Janos
Musique et Music

Spiriti 08
Dancing Dummy
Julien Baril
Musique et Music

Production: Beka&Partners

Chronos parádoksos by Gianfranco de Bosio and Maria Gabriella Zen, adaptation and direction by Nicoletta Maragno

Scenic reading of the libretto, winner of GIACOMO MATTEOTTI PRIZE 2012 of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in the adaptation and direction by Nicoletta Maragno
For violin and percussions
Venezia, Ateneo Veneto, 23/5/2017 on occasion of the Europe Day 2017
Vedi il canale Youtube

Natale digitale 2020: Albero di Fabrizio Plessi

Light is going to come back: this Christmas like never before the entire World is truly longing to it!
Video recorded by Daniele Frison on the 24th of December 2020 in Riva degli Schiavoni and Piazza San Marco embellished by Fabrizio Plessi's digital Tree.
Music by Maria Gabriella Zen
Annunziata (Kiki) Dellisanti - percussions

L' arco immaginifico

Video by Tempe Hernandez
Visual design camera: Tomas Gasulla
Editing: Tempe Hernandez and Tomas Gasulla
Gisella Curtolo plays  Der Schützengel als Beglieter des Menschen  for solo violin (2004)

Audiobook IL MILIONE by Marco Polo

Audiobook realized in order to celebrate 1600 years since the foundation of Venice and 750 years since Marco Polo started his journey to Far East (August 1271), thanks to the audiofiles of the DVD produced in 2008, with the support of Regione del Veneto, by Teatro Fondamenta Nuove of Venice, under the aegis of the National Committee for Celebrations of the 750° Anniversary of Marco Polo' s birth.


canale youtube Cultura Veneto 
Il Milione
Il Milione

IL MONDO DI RICCARDO direction by Daniele Frison

Two previews of the Documentary film IL MONDO DI RICCARDO - Domenico Peretti Griva Magistrato e Fotografo  direction by Daniele Frison (2021), in which soundtrack six compositions of mine have been inserted:
- TORINO, Cinema Massimo, 18th of January 2022 at 9 p.m. 
- VENEZIA, Cinema Rossini,   1st of February 2022 at 7 p.m.

A special event organized by Magistrate Edmondo Bruti Liberati:
- MILANO, Anteo Palazzo del Cinema, 18th of May 2022 at 7.30 p.m.

Available for some months on ITsART

3 sound logos